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Blog for IPOMS

IPOMS is developing a Wordpress based blog for her community and invite contributor to write their experiences, knowledge and articles in the field of production and operations management.

IPOMS Surabaya: Study Group BSC

Reminder! Group Study Surabaya will cover 4 chapters at once on the 14th November 2010, from 09.30-15.00 at PT. IMS Logistics.

LOGIC: Gathering & Sharing 20 November 2010

(Indonesia) LOGIC Widyatama akan mengadakan Gathering & Sharing: Membangun Sistem Pergudangan dan Transportasi untuk Peningkatan Daya Saing Perusahaan, dengan pembicara tamu: Menteri Perhubungan RI, Freddy Numberi pada tanggal 20 November 2010.